America's Credit Union strives to discover and implement the most up-to-date security features on all of our products and services. Be suspicious of any emails that request personal information, that ask you to “verify” information through email, or ask you to click on a link to a “special” website to verify or request personal information. In most instances, these scams involve the fraudulent replication of America’s Credit Union website and often request personal and/or account information.

If you receive a suspicious e-mail, please discard it immediately! After, please contact an ACU representative at 214-742-6551 or 1-888-742-6551.

Important: America’s Credit Union will NEVER ask you to update your information through an email or text message. Should you receive an email or text message allegedly from America’s Credit Union requesting such an update, please call 214-742-6551 or 1-888-742-6551 to speak to a Credit Union representative.