To protect your privacy, we will never call or text you to ask for account information or personal details. We advise you never to give out your personal information or details about your account by clicking a link or on the phone. Please report any suspicious calls or text messages to America’s CU by contacting us at 1-888-742-6551. Protect yourself from fraudulent communications.
Make the Switch In the New Year!
Your Kasasa Cash Checking Account can earn up to 4.75% APY
on balances up to $25,000!
There are no minimum balance requirements or monthly account fees, providing a hassle-free way to save for whatever life throws your way.
Qualifying is Easy
Transfer Your Balance with Zero Fees and Save More!
Start Your Journey to Financial Wellness Today! Open a Visa® credit card today, and you will save money!
With features such as:
More of your payments go towards reducing your balance instead of interest, helping you pay off debt faster and more affordably.
It's a smart way to take control of your finances, consolidate debt, and save money in the long run.
Save on Tax Services! Plus, get a chance at $10,000!
We want our America's Credit Union members to come out on top this tax season. We're offering special discounts on tax services so you can land your best outcome for less. Plus, enter for a chance to win $10,000 from Love My Credit Union® Rewards.
Got Friends? Get Rewards!
Why keep all the good stuff to yourself? Invite your friends to join the fun, and we’ll send some awesome rewards your way—because sharing isn’t just caring, it’s winning!
Earn a $75 cash bonus for each new member you bring to America’s CU.
Refering is easy!
Help us grow and celebrate the credit union's future—because together, we’re building something amazing for everyone!
Print Your Refer-A-Friend Card
Starting January 1, 2025, each person will receive $75 when a new member opens a checking account with direct deposit of $100 and up.* No limit to the number of referrals! Member needs to be 13 years or older to open a checking account.